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Roasted Red Potato & Provolone Oven-Baked Frittata

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Roasted Red Potato & Provolone Oven-Baked Frittata

Roberta Reynolds
Oftentimes, frittatas are started on the stovetop and finished in the oven. We aren’t doing that. The whole shebang goes into the oven, is baked until beautifully puffed and golden, and served. This frittata is chock full of roasted red potatoes and rich with plenty of Provolone cheese. Delicious right out of the oven, but if you want, bake it the day before, refrigerate, and bring to room temperature before serving. This makes a super easy and do-ahead breakfast or brunch dish for holiday company – or you can be like me and have it for supper on a cool fall evening. All up to you.
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 2 hours
Total Time 3 hours
Servings 12 large servings


  • 12 large eggs
  • 1 cup half & half
  • 1 teaspoon salt or to taste
  • ½ teaspoon black pepper or to taste or generous pinch of cayenne pepper to taste
  • 1 teaspoon granulated garlic
  • 1 teaspoon dry mustard
  • 2 cup grated Provolone cheese
  • 6 large red potatoes
  • 6 scallions sliced on the diagonal
  • 1 cup diced orange sweet pepper
  • 1 cup diced red pepper or diced roasted red pepper
  • 1-2 tablespoons of a dried herb combination you like for example: oregano, marjoram, thyme, basil, etc.
  • ½ teaspoon sweet paprika for sprinkling on top.


  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  • Wash and cut red potatoes into ½ inch cubes. Place in a large baking dish and drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper. (You can also sprinkle with your favorite dried herb combination if you like).
  • Roast until cooked thorough and caramelized, about 30 – 45 minutes. Set aside. And allow to come to room temperature.
  • In a medium skillet, sauté orange pepper and red pepper until soft. Set aside to cool to room temperature.
  • Beat together eggs, half & half, garlic, and dry mustard, dried herbs, and salt & pepper until well blended.
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Spray a 13x9 inch-baking dish with cooking spray. Scatter in potatoes and vegetables. Sprinkle grated cheese over the top and then gently toss all of that stuff together to make sure it’s blended well – don’t be afraid to use your hands!
  • Pour the and egg mixture over the top and give the baking dish a little shake to make sure your egg mixture gets in to all of those nooks and crannies of vegetables.
  • Sprinkle paprika over the top of the frittata.
  • Bake at 350 degrees until golden and set, about 45 minutes. A sharp knife inserted into the center of the frittata should come out clean.
  • Let cool for about 15 minutes if serving immediately. If not, allow to come to room temperature, and then refrigerate. Allow to come back to room temperature before serving at a later time

Is it just me, or do you all have cravings for substantial and cheesy comfort food this time of year? This could possibly be the solution and is so loaded with healthy vegetables that your guilt factor quotient should be quite low.

Oftentimes, frittatas are started on the stovetop and finished in the oven. We aren’t doing that. The whole shebang goes into the oven, is baked until beautifully puffed and golden, and served.

I wasn’t kidding around when I said this guy was full of vegetables. Here’s a look at the baking dish before the egg mixture was added. It might be kind of hard to tell, but all the vegetables come up to within 3/4 inch of the top of the dish. I added the finely grated cheese and tossed the whole works together right in the dish. You could also do this in a separate bowl, but who needs an extra bowl to wash laying around when you’ve got a frittata to get into the oven?

And now..patience is the key to waiting to make sure your frittata is done. Trust me on this – you do not want a bunch of raw egg mixture rising from the middle of your beautiful frittata right at the moment of serving. Grab your sharpest kitchen knife and jab him right in the center. You knife should come out clean.

You really don’t want to over bake this either, so vigilance is key and you might want to start checking right around the 30 minute mark since all ovens have different and distinct personalities. Here’s your reward: You’ve waited just long enough and had the force of will to wait for about 20 minutes while everything gets settled down in there to dive in.

Pretty him up on a platter, or just grab a fork. When nobody’s looking, I cut a nice big piece and eat it with my bare hands ???? A little teensy bit crispy on the top – rich, substantial, cheesy and pretty darned healthy below. Enjoy!! Thanks so much for reading the blog today! xoxoxoxo

Hello. I’m Roberta Reynolds.

I’m so glad you dropped in! Welcome to Bird’s Nest Bakery and Café, a collection of ‘made from scratch’, seasonal recipes developed in my home kitchen. I’ve been obsessed with creating the easiest and most delicious recipes possible since I could reach the top of a stove.

I hope you’ll find this site a welcome and relaxing place where you can come for inspiration and ideas. Take a look, have fun, and feel free to modify these recipes to suit your particular palate. It would make me so happy if you would share these recipes with friends and family. After all, cooking and baking are meant to be shared with those we care about. That’s what’s so much fun about it!