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Grilled Salmon with Fresh Mango & Lime Sauce and Coconut Rice

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Grilled Salmon with Fresh Mango & Lime Sauce and Coconut Rice

Roberta Reynolds
Grilling season is upon us, and I’d love to share one of my favorite ways to serve grilled salmon. I love the smoky flavor of grilled salmon but have to admit the thing I love best about this is entire endeavor is the fresh mango and lime sauce. This sauce has it all - rich and creamy mango, a kick of lime, and just the right balance of salt. Better yet, you can make it in five minutes. It’s also one of those recipes where you are completely in the driver’s seat. More lime? Add more. More salt? Go for it. Want to spice it up with some sriracha? You’re driving. Drizzle this beauty on grilled seafood or chicken, serve alongside fresh or steamed vegetables, or eat it with a spoon – it’s that good. I’ve also dreamt up a coconut rice to go along with the fish, that made with Jasmine rice, and flavored with coconut milk, unsweetened coconut, and lime, and chives. It’s always a good strategy to make sure you manage to accidentally on purpose get some of that mango sauce mixed in too. Aloha!!
Prep Time 45 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 15 minutes
Servings 6 -8 servings


  • 1 large fresh salmon filet cut into 2- or 3-inch pieces (depending on the serving size you’d like)
  • 2-3 fresh mangos peeled and cut into large chunks OR about 3 cups of frozen mango chunks, thawed (I love this option because there is no mess and no missing fingers from my knife slipping while trying to wrestle the pit from the fresh mango). The goal here is to arrive at 2 cups of mango puree once you blend all the pieces. A 12-ounce fresh mango should give you about 1 cup of fruit, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry).
  • 2 fresh limes juiced (you might want an extra lime on hand in case you like more lime in the sauce – just to keep your options open) ANOTHER NOTE: This makes about 3 cups of sauce which is more than you’ll need, but as I may have mentioned earlier, it’s nice to have on hand to add to just about anything you can think of.
  • 1 cup of canola or other neutral oil
  • Salt to taste – start with ¼ teaspoon and work your way up until you get the salt balance you like best.
  • Pepper sriracha, or hot sauce to taste (optional)
  • 1 ½ cups Jasmine rice rinsed and drained
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 ½ cups coconut milk I used Lite coconut milk
  • ½ cup unsweetened coconut flakes
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • Zest of 1 lime
  • ½ cup chopped chives or slivered green onion
  • 2-3 teaspoons butter
  • Fresh lime for final seasoning optional
  • 1 cup of roasted sweet potato pieces optional, but it’s a good idea and it balances out and gives the coconut a little needed sweetness – you’ll also need some honey or Agave if you go this route
  • ¼ cup chopped peanuts optional- to be used as a topping


  • Slice the salmon filet into 2 to 3-inch slices, depending on the size of the serving you’d like to create.
  • Season with salt and pepper and give the fillets a spray of olive oil to keep the moisture in.
  • Grill over medium high heat until opaque in the middle.
  • In a blender, combine the mango chunks, lime and ¼ teaspoon salt and peppery element (if using) until pureed.
  • With the blender still running, drizzle in the oil and process until thick and smooth.
  • Taste for seasoning and adjust to your liking.
  • In a large sauce pan, combine the water, coconut milk salt, and unsweetened coconut flakes.
  • Bring to a boil and add the rinsed and drained Jasmine rice.
  • Reduce heat to a strong simmer and cook the rice until it is just tender. This should take about 20 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and toss in the lime zest, chives, butter, and sweet potatoes (if using). Cover with a towel and let rest for about 10 minutes. Fluff with a fork, add the chives or green onion, adjust seasoning if needed. Finish with some fresh lime juice if you want to and serve with chopped peanuts on top.
  • NOTE: To make the sweet potatoes – Peel 1 or 2 sweet potatoes (I used the Red Garnets), cut into about ½ inch cubes, and place on a cookie sheet that has been lined with foil and liberally sprayed with kitchen spray. Sprinkle with salt and drizzle with a little bit of Agave or honey.
  • Roast at 375 degrees until tender, which in my oven takes about 20 minutes.

While the fish is marinating, why don’t we get started on the sauce? This has got to be the most simple sauce you will ever make. It only has four ingredients: fresh mango, fresh lime juice, canola or other neutral oil, and salt. Feel free to throw in some heat if you like. The mango, lime juice and some salt go into a blender and get pureed. Then the oil is added slowly until a thick emulsion forms.

Please do not be tempted to throw everything in at once and go for it. I am speaking from experience since I did this once while in a hurry on a hot summer day. The end result was a curdled sauce that could not be rescued. Me being me, I ate it anyway, but it definitely lacked in the good looks department. If you slowly drizzle in the oil and give the mango a chance to soak it up, you’ll be just fine.

Give it a taste, adjust for seasonings, and you are good to go. Store in the refrigerator until you are ready to eat. Now, back to the salmon…and halibut. These guys were marinated for about half an hour in my Double Mustard Vinaigrette recipe that was posted a couple of weeks ago. You can marinate in anything you want, but this one was a keeper, The mustard and the mango were made for each other, and we proved it by eating enough for ten people.

Be sure to reserve some of the vinaigrette and baste the fish while you are enjoying an adult beverage.

Looks like it’s time for supper! Let’s drizzle these guys with some Mango Sauce and get this show on the road! How about eating on the deck tonight?

Hello. I’m Roberta Reynolds.

I’m so glad you dropped in! Welcome to Bird’s Nest Bakery and Café, a collection of ‘made from scratch’, seasonal recipes developed in my home kitchen. I’ve been obsessed with creating the easiest and most delicious recipes possible since I could reach the top of a stove.

I hope you’ll find this site a welcome and relaxing place where you can come for inspiration and ideas. Take a look, have fun, and feel free to modify these recipes to suit your particular palate. It would make me so happy if you would share these recipes with friends and family. After all, cooking and baking are meant to be shared with those we care about. That’s what’s so much fun about it!